The Apprentice - Season 7 : Episode 14


  • Reality

Series Seven of The Apprentice was a British reality television series. The series started on BBC One on 10 May 2011, and ran for 12 hour-long weekly episodes, as in all previous years. However, Episode 1 and 2 were aired the same week, and the final episode four days after the penultimate. The winner was Tom Pellereau, with Helen Milligan as the runner-up. Pellereau holds the record of least successful winner of The Apprentice, losing eight tasks out of eleven. He is the only winner to have never won as project manager He is also the only winner to have only been project manager once during the series, as well as the first winner to have won fewer tasks than the runner-up Runner-up Helen Milligan won ten out of eleven tasks. There were sixteen participants and the board consists of Alan Sugar, Nick Hewer and Karren Brady. The Apprentice: You're Fired! also returned on BBC Two, featuring Dara Ó Briain, who reprises his role of the interviewer of the fired candidate.

Season 7 Episodes


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